These power lines are reproductions of the original (very large) power lines created by participants in a strategy workshop I helped design and facilitate for members of the opposition New Directions caucus in Transport Workers Local 100 in New York City, in 1999. (Click on the images for larger pop-up versions.)
Contract Campaign Power Line 1999 Contract - James AdministrationThe first chart, above, shows the participants' assessment of the strength of the incumbent administration (the "James Team" - named after then president Willie James) -- What do you notice? Where are the stickers most divergent? Where do they converge? What is the overall picture? What questions would you ask the participants?
Contract Campaign Power Line 1999 Contract - New DirectionsThis chart shows the participants' assessment of the strength of their New Directions caucus. -- What do you notice? Where are the stickers most divergent? Where do they converge? What is the overall picture? How do the first two charts compare? What questions would you ask the participants?
Contract Campaign Power Line for 1994 Contract - New Directions and James AdministrationThe third chart shows the participants' assessment of the relative strengths of the two sides in the previous contract campaign (1994). -- What do you notice? Where are the stickers most divergent? Where do they converge? What is the overall picture? What questions would you ask the participants?