Chronology and other orders

Learners in Boxes

[the idea is that one role of the teacher is to create boxes in which people are constrained in such a way as to have to find their protagonism and freedom (or not -- always remains their choice and inconformidad trumps rules). So, practically speaking, a basic format like check-in/check-out is just a pair of boxes, like squares on a game board. Pre and Post-Motorola, the flow of a set of activities over one session (see Educating for a Change and Juegos), even the Spiral, are boxes of this type.


Need to compare the various spirals:
Bagnall and Koberg, Educating for a Change, Nonaka and Takeuchi, Senge, Partanen, Alforja dialectic process...

Compare these to Jacotot's "process" to tease out explication and progressivism, and democracy...

Focus is innovation and creativity as keys to emancipation (or vice versa)


In the Christian Base Communities of the Liberation Theology movement, participants carried out a popular education process that included taking action in the society as part of the learning process. In order to become aware of the process itself, this game asks participants to create and carry out a very small task that must happen outside the classroom, then come back and share their results.

The law of C

I adapted this brainstorming game slightly from an activity in the book Intraemprendizaje by Iñazio Irizar (

1. Players seated in a circle, one person standing in the middle points to a player and says, "C!" The player has five seconds to say a word starting with C. If they miss, they go to the center.

2. In Teams: given a theme or object, people brainstorm words related to that object that begin with C.

Consensus on all things

This game is for practising consensus and ensuring the participation of every player.

Joker gives the same question or proposition to all players.
Every player writes down their answer.
Players then share their answers in pairs. If they have consensus, they then find another pair and try to reach consensus again.
If the pair does not agree, they try to convince each other, or to modify the answer until they can both agree.
The goal is to reach consensus among all the players.
