About English

Why English?
There are many reasons for learning English, or any other language: to travel, to get a job, to listen to music, read books or watch films. In Japan today many people want to learn English so they can participate more fully in global society, economy, and culture. This is all good. At a deeper level, learning a new language gives you the chance to make a new identity, a chance to recreate yourself. It can give you more freedom to be what you dream of being and to find others who share your dreams.

About Games

Why Games?
Games are fun, challenging, active, interesting. Games are often creative and physical. Games are good for communication and body language. In games we play, learn, share, and create. We make jokes and play characters. Using English is these ways is a great way to practice and learn. Games give us simple rules that help everyone participate and play. In games we are all equal. We can play various roles. Games can help us feel free.

Experience Rendering

A volunteer describes an incident they experienced -- something embarrassing, funny, puzzling, etc. -- to the whole group. The joker asks questions to clarify details and verify understanding. Then, the joker asks for volunteers to enact the scene. They are free to improvise in any way they like.

"Fist to Five" for Quick Evaluation

The "fist to five" technique for voting or consensus decision-making (see "Dedocracia" can be used for rapid, on the fly, evaluation. It gives people an easy way to practice an important technique for democratic decision-making and the experience of expressing their judgment in a group context. For the facilitator(s) and the group, it provides important information about the usefulness of the techniques being used.
