Adapted from "Broken Squares": Preparing Students for Group Work, from Practicing Collaborative Learning, Maryann Feola Castelucci and Peter Miller, College of Staten Island, CUNY, Dept of English, Speech and World Literature, Winter 1986

[write up activity in context: how to develop group building skills when collaboration, participation, equality are your priorities, this is deep work, but can be very useful]

Materials/Prep: See attached files for square templates and instructions. Need at least six participants. Each group in the game must consist of five players and one or more observers, so two groups requires twelve participants.


Motivate the game, especially important in this activity. Stress that it is NOT a test, not some kind of psychology quiz, and that there is no trick. The task can be solved. (This is important because the game feels a lot like an intelligence test or some other type of diagnostic tool.) The purpose of this game is to share an experience that we can then describe and analyze with the goal of learning something about how to work together in groups.

Explain the set up and goal, groups of five players and one (or more) observers. Players will be given pieces of paper with which to make a square.

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