For items relating to popular education for union democracy, including blog entries, etc.

Adjustments committee

Put this in glossary and also in action?

Source: Theresa El Amin, Ira Shor

Negotiating control over the education process, good test of democratic facilitation and group's capacity for control.

Sample categories for the Union Democracy and Power Line

These are categories we used in the power line at the 2000 National Rank-and-File Carpenters Conference in Boston, Mass. that AUD organized with Carpenters for a Democratic Union.


  • In the actual chart, the categories were much larger -- 90 point type.
  • You have to create categories that match your participants and their concerns (based on any information you can gather before the event).
  • You should always include at least two blank columns and encourage participants to add any categories they think are missing from the power line.

Sample "Problem Trees"

Some problem trees (from around the world):

"Problem-cause-effect tree diagram" from Our People, Our Resources

Another tree, from Eric Mar's Asian Studies and Activism website.

How-to description of the problem tree activity, with a link to an image (near the top), from Dublin radion station Near 90.3 FM's Community Media Participatory Learning Manual

Description of the problem tree activity, from a BBC article about women organizing in Malawi.
