Adjustments committee
Put this in glossary and also in action?
Source: Theresa El Amin, Ira Shor
Negotiating control over the education process, good test of democratic facilitation and group's capacity for control.
For items relating to popular education for union democracy, including blog entries, etc.
Put this in glossary and also in action?
Source: Theresa El Amin, Ira Shor
Negotiating control over the education process, good test of democratic facilitation and group's capacity for control.
Tu, con que intencion y como pretendes utilizar las tecnicas? (Alforja, Tomo 2, "Advertencia!")
And you, what are your intentions, how do you plan to use these techniques?
The Chart:
Spectrum of educational approaches in the field of labor education.
These models are intended to represent three distinct approaches to labor education. They are simplified and incomplete, but should reflect coherent methods that we have experienced in our work. The idea is to use these models to explore how we work now, and how we want to work, where we want our work to go.
For each category, please:
Circle the paragraph that best describes how you do your education work now.
By Matt Noyes, adapted from "Power" in Literacy for Empowerment: A Resource Handbook for Community Based Educators. Washington, D.C. : Association for Community Based Education, 1988. (ACBE credits this activity to Barbara Greene of the Mountain Women's Exchange.)
[illustration: workers placing stickers on a democracy and power line]
These are categories we used in the power line at the 2000 National Rank-and-File Carpenters Conference in Boston, Mass. that AUD organized with Carpenters for a Democratic Union.
Some problem trees (from around the world):
"Problem-cause-effect tree diagram" from Our People, Our Resources
Another tree, from Eric Mar's Asian Studies and Activism website.
How-to description of the problem tree activity, with a link to an image (near the top), from Dublin radion station Near 90.3 FM's Community Media Participatory Learning Manual
Description of the problem tree activity, from a BBC article about women organizing in Malawi.
Non-Trivial Pursuits
Case studies in basic legal rights. (Any resemblance to persons or institutions living or dead is largely coincidental.)
1. Two Minutes
What does the word "collective" mean in the phrase "collective bargaining?"
When can an individual employee or group of employees bargain their own contract with management?
2. Three Minutes
A circle game adapted from "Se Murio Chicho" in Tecnicas Participativas Para La Education Social Vol 1. (The sentence is from a scene in the John Sayles film "Passion Fish"
Good for: fun, expression, loosening up, paying attention to details.
Setup: people sitting in a circle
Number of people: at least three
Materials: none
Time: 30 mins.
Part of the preparation process is the initial dialogue and research that goes into planning -- before we plan, talking to activists, getting the picture...
Use this to check-in, to get people's reactions, to get out of a circular discussion....
Taking turns, each person speaks...
Rules: good to have rules like no cross-talk...