For items relating to popular education for union democracy, including blog entries, etc.

notes for chapter 6

This is not an activity -- it is more of a comment.

One of the biggest obstacles to popular education as it is typically practiced in the US labor movement, and one of the biggest distortions of the method, is the limitation of popular education one-off workshops or conferences, with no continuity. The most famous models of popular education -- from the Sea Islands of South Carolina to the base community organizations in Brazil -- would be inconceivable on such a foundation. Those projects lasted years, not hours.

Sample Power Line -- Coalition of University Employees

[img_assist|nid=154|title=CUE power and democracy line 2001|desc=|link=popup|align=left|width=450|height=318]
This is a chart recording the results of a democracy and power line Mike Orrfelt and I did with members and officers of the Coalition of University Employees in 2001. (See also the Mosh Pit activity in Chapter 5.)
