What's better than that?

This is a game in which the group builds an idea by accepting and adding to the previous idea (yes, and...).

The Flow:
In a circle, small or large group.

  • Joker asks the group to think of something good.
  • When a player has an idea, they start the play by naming their good thing -- e.g. "A cup of hot coffee."
  • Next player adds to it, to make it better -- "A cup of hot coffee on a cold morning."
  • Third player adds -- "A cup of hot coffee on a cold morning in the mountains."
  • And so on. Continue adding as long as the energy is good.

大貧民 - poor bastards

A Japanese card game which presupposes inequality both at the outset and as the game proceeds.

The flow:

The players are divided into five groups:

  • the very rich,
  • the rich,
  • the middle,
  • the poor, and
  • the poor bastards

Time Bomb

I learned this game from students in an English class at Meiji University.

In this game participants add words to make a sentence under pressure of time.

Part One:
Everyone stands in a circle.

One person starts a sentence by saying one word. The next person has five seconds to add a word that continues the sentence, and so on until someone fails to add a word, or adds a word that doesn't work. When that happens -- the group screams, or makes an explosion sound, etc.

1. My
2. mother
3. was
4. born
5. in
6. a

Favorite/Least Favorite

A simple activity: ask each person to think of her/his favorite and least favorite [word, person, place, object, action, body part(?), letter, number...whatever] and share them with a partner, explaining her choice.

The sharing can be with just one person (quick), with several people in a round-robin format, with the whole group.

The sharing could be done in spoken or written form, could be drawn or pantomimed.
