Oni ha Soto! Variation 2: Beat the Fears

Two variations by Lo Manho, with a few adjustments by MN.

“Beat the fears”

  1. Joker separates the class into two groups: Demons and People.
  2. The Demons have to make a list of twenty five things that the people in this particular learning group (e.g. university students, Sanitation workers) strongly fear, writing each fear on a separate index card. Ideally it should be something specific to that group, but people should feel free to name basic human fears, like death, too.

Oni ha Soto! Variation 1

Variation by Hirabayashi Shunichi, with a few adjustments by MN.

Make a list of fears in advance, to save time. From the list, players vote for the top 10 fears that they have. Of course, they can add another words not on the list, but the number of fears should be the same as the number of demons.

Divide the participants into two groups. One group is the people, the other is the Demons. Each Demon will choose one fear to represent, keeping this secret from “the people.” The Demons will draw masks that somehow express – without words or symbols – the fear that they represent.

Love Speech

I got this idea when a member of the Human Rights Study Group of the Tokyo Sanitation Workers Union gave a presentation on Hate Speech and Racism. It is always good to stretch before running, to loosen up our conceptions and assumptions.

The Flow:

The Joker writes the words Hate Speech on the board. Check if everyone understands the concept, maybe ask for a definition.

Then write "Love Speech" on the board and ask for examples, explaining that we are looking at the opposite of Hate Speech.

You can then have people practice making love speeches, slogans, or posters.

The Electrician's Navy-Beans

In his autobiography, Leon Trotsky tells the story of meeting an old electrician and Narodnik named Ivan Andreyevich Mukhin. As Trotsky tells it, Mukhin used navy beans to give a lesson in revolution. As you're sorting out your feelings about Trotsky and the Russian Revolution, consider this learning activity.
